WAR OPERATION™ : Full Contact

WAR OPERATION™ : Full Contact


WAR OPERATION™: Full Contact is the first opus of the WAR OPERATION™ game series, firstly conceived in 2016 on a basic game engine. It passes in January 2021, under the Unreal® Engine 4 engine with a better and advanced concept of the whole gameplay. In May 2022, the project is exported to Unreal® Engine 5, thus having all the latest technologies in the video game sector. Read more on the FAQ.


Brief Synopsis :

How the Middle East became a battleground for countries around the world, a hotbed of international terrorism, all to the detriment of local populations ? Retrace historical elements from the Afghan to Syrian civil war through the fall of the Iraqi regime…


This game is made by Yusuf Erdogan and Nabyl Badji. By thanking all the collaborators, and future collaborators.
